Sunday, June 10, 2007

Coming Home

After years of evaluating the pros and cons of moving back home we're finally doing it.
It's liberating to have finally made the decision. The kids have been on board which certainly helps (Rachel occasionally wavers but that's to be expected considering this is all she's ever known).

With me working part time I anticipate having more time to spend with Rachel and Ethan and of course more time to blog about my experiences raising them. Andrew and I are excited about this new chapter and look forward to being closer to our families.


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Rachel's Mothers Day Letter

This is the mothers day note Rachel wrote for me:

Happy mothrs day.

Today is mothrs day at school. We are makeing a craft for moms and it is a spishel (special) thing but you see it a prfict (perfect) sapris (surprise)and I like that? xoxoxoxo to mom. Mothrs day is fun, other moms are not like you. Mom you rock and did you know you rock so keep doing it so you bedr (better) late (let) me be your girl forever xoxoxoxo

Love Rachel

She makes me melt sometimes...and yes Rachel you will always be my little girl!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!!

I saw a similar survey circulating around the internet and I decided to conduct my own survey with Rachel and Ethan. The answers below are word for word from them. It’s very enlightening to hear how they perceive our family dynamics and more importantly my role as their mom. A special happy mothers day to all of our mom’s and grandmothers etc. etc. I know all too well how tough this job can be sometimes...but it's also incredibly rewarding!!

Why did God make Mother’s?

Ethan’s Response – “I don’t know…because God makes everything”

Rachel’s Response – “because he likes them”

How did God make mothers?

Ethan’s Response – “He makes everything!!”

Rachel’s response – “start with bones and then put on the skin”

What ingredients are mothers made of?

Ethan’s Response – “Out of blood and body bones”

Rachel’s response – “flowers, hearts, butterflies, and rainbows”

Why did God give you your mother & not some other mom?

Ethan’s Response – “I want no more answers!!”

Rachel’s response – “because he thought we would get along together”

Would you want another Mom?

Ethan’s response – “No I like the one I have…because when I was a baby you took after me”

Rachel’s response – “no because you’re special”

Note: Ethan refused to answer from this point forward

What kind of little girl was your mom?

Rachel’s response – “I think you never got in trouble because you seem like a nice mom”

What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?

Rachel’s response – that he was kind and not a bully

Why did your mom marry your dad?

Rachel’s response – “because you knew he was going to be safe with the children”

Who's the boss at your house?

Rachel’s response – “Mom and Dad because they are older than me and another reason is because they are the adults”

If there could only be one boss at the house who would it be?

Rachel’s response – “Mom because you are in charge right now…but dad is the oldest”

What's the difference between moms & dads?

Rachel’s response – “because Dad’s are boys and Mom’s are girls”

What does your mom do in her spare time?

Rachel’s response – “draw pictures and stuff that’s what I like you to do when you have spare time”

What would it take to make your mom perfect?

Rachel’s response – “no fighting”

If you could change one thing about your Mom what would it be?

Rachel’s response – “if you would never have to go to work and you could just stay home and color pictures with me and I could eat my lunch at home and not at school”

Sunday, April 30, 2006

A good chuckle is just what I needed!!

This is an exert from an email sent to me by my friend Dina...

"Hiya, The place is starting to look homey now!
I was wondering...I can't achieve this without your help unfortunately. I have this friend see, and I wanted to take her out to dinner to New Asian Village for her birthday, along with another friend, lets call the other friend "Kade", on Saturday night possibly. I wanted to ask the birthday friend, lets call her "Epiphany" her aunts phone number so I could arrange for her to babysit Epiphanies 2 children. All this without Epiphany knowing. Can you help a friend out here?
My phone works now!
Talk to you soon, Dinut"

Yes, she is Dina the nut so Dinut is appropriate!! I'm really glad she asked me and I am taking her up on her offer. Andrew is missing my birthday and mother's day and I have to admit I'm a little bummed about that. What could be better than a girls night out...a girls night "sans" kids at my favorite restaurant...yipee!! it always the best policy?

Lately Rachel has become quite the artist. Today Ethan and Cameron were playing and Rachel asked them what they wanted her to draw for them. Knowing Ethan's imagination could not extend beyond a super hero I was not surprised when he requested a Ninja Turtle. Rachel worked feverishly and once she completed it she proudly handed it over to her brother who responded with "that's a funny looking Ninja Turtle Rachel". Yes, Rachel was not impressed with his lack of appreciation for her artistic license...

Friday, April 28, 2006

Go Oilers Go!!

Rachel and Ethan are getting into the playoffs. They've been making signs and wearing their jerseys on game days etc. It's so cute to see them so excited. Last night was the Oilers 4th game of the series and they were up 2 to 1 but unfortunately they lost. The game was a late game so the kids did not stay up. When they woke up the next morning Rachel asked me if the Oilers won so I told her the outcome and her response surprised me..."maybe we should cheer for the red team". Please don't tell her father he would be devastated!!!


Sunday, April 23, 2006

I am color blind...

As I sit here listening to Counting Crowes "I Am Color Blind" I can't help but feel completely content. Did everything that was supposed to be accomplished today get done? it Rachel, Ethan, and I spent the most enjoyable afternoon riding scooters, playing on the neighbors trampoline, and making the most of a beautiful afternoon. After that we came in and cleaned up (house/kids) and talked to Andrew, Dad, and Kelly on the phone. A special happy birthday to Abbie by the way. All in all, it was just a very good day.

Yesterday we went to a birthday party for Josh(Ethan's best friend)and I got to meet Jodie a friend of Dina's (Josh's mom). She lost her husband in a tragic car accident when she was 8 months pregnant with their 3rd child. An extremely inspiring women to say the least. It has been almost a year since the accident and she is doing remarkable. After the accident happened I gave Dina a card to give her offering my condolences and a little money to contribute to a trust fund that had been established for her children. Jodie approached me yesterday to thank me for the gesture and that she was profoundly moved by how many people stepped up to help in her time of need. I know we are always bombarded by all the negative events that happen in the world but I really believe the good people in the world far out way the bad and unfortunately it is the bad that gets media coverage!! I guess part of the reason I am writing about this is because in the grand scheme of things I feel extremely fortunate. No, Andrew isn't here everyday and heaven knows I could use the support raising Rachel and Ethan, however, this is temporary. I have a wonderful husband that would move heaven and earth for us. My faith in him and us as a team is rock solid. In a world with so many uncertainties I know we have each other and that is all I need. With Andrew, Rachel, and Ethan I feel complete.

Bottom line is whether we move home or not is irrelevant. I could live on the moon and know I could be perfectly happy as long as I have Rachel, Ethan, and Andrew by my side. Don't get me wrong I would love to be closer to family but I know that no matter what our final decision is, the deciding factor will be what would be the best decision for a family.

As you can see I have included some recent photos of my inspirations!!



Wednesday, April 05, 2006

It's been far too long....

Well...where do I begin. Rachel thinking her school work is optional? Or maybe Ethan's crush on Kate? Our visit with Aunt Sally? This is what happens when I wait a month between posts I can't decide what to write about. How about I just do it in point we go...

- Rachel didn't fare so well on her report card because she wasn't doing the work. When she doesn't do the work the teacher has nothing to assess. That makes sense to me. I've since met with the teacher and nipped this one in the butt. She now sends her work home every day and if it does not get completed at school it gets done for me. Needless to say Rachel's work habits have improved because of the nice weather (who wants to be stuck inside doing homework!!).

- Andrew came back after a 35 day hiatus. He was home for just over a week and arrived the same day as Kate and Sally. We managed to pack in a lot of shopping (Sally and Kate are addicts), a quick trip to Jasper, and frequent dips in the hot tub.

- The kids really enjoyed their March break with everyone. Aunt Sally lived up to her reputation as best Aunt in the world and spoiled them rotten. She and Kate took them to the water park and they ended up taking a cab back to the house (long story but Sally lost Andrew's cell number). The reason I tell you this is because every time Ethan sees a cab he freaks out "mom, we took that taxi home". I hate to burst his bubble but there are hundreds of cabs in this city just like that one. I wonder what will happen if he sees two of them side by side??

- Ethan announced that he has a crush on Kate. In fact I think he proposed?? Anyway, when I asked him what a crush was he said when I love someone. So I asked him if he had a crush on me...his response "no, your my Mom". He's four years old and is already taking me for granted :(.

- With Andrew gone again and Sally and Kate gone as well we are getting back into a routine. I miss them all but only 6 more days until Andrew gets back and 2 months until we get to see everyone in N.B. I know you may think it is rather early to start a countdown but I'm a cup half full kind of girl.

Till next time (which hopefully will not be a month).



P.S. Dad Alberta has real mountains!!