I am color blind...
As I sit here listening to Counting Crowes "I Am Color Blind" I can't help but feel completely content. Did everything that was supposed to be accomplished today get done?...no...does it matter...no. Rachel, Ethan, and I spent the most enjoyable afternoon riding scooters, playing on the neighbors trampoline, and making the most of a beautiful afternoon. After that we came in and cleaned up (house/kids) and talked to Andrew, Dad, and Kelly on the phone. A special happy birthday to Abbie by the way. All in all, it was just a very good day.
Yesterday we went to a birthday party for Josh(Ethan's best friend)and I got to meet Jodie a friend of Dina's (Josh's mom). She lost her husband in a tragic car accident when she was 8 months pregnant with their 3rd child. An extremely inspiring women to say the least. It has been almost a year since the accident and she is doing remarkable. After the accident happened I gave Dina a card to give her offering my condolences and a little money to contribute to a trust fund that had been established for her children. Jodie approached me yesterday to thank me for the gesture and that she was profoundly moved by how many people stepped up to help in her time of need. I know we are always bombarded by all the negative events that happen in the world but I really believe the good people in the world far out way the bad and unfortunately it is the bad that gets media coverage!! I guess part of the reason I am writing about this is because in the grand scheme of things I feel extremely fortunate. No, Andrew isn't here everyday and heaven knows I could use the support raising Rachel and Ethan, however, this is temporary. I have a wonderful husband that would move heaven and earth for us. My faith in him and us as a team is rock solid. In a world with so many uncertainties I know we have each other and that is all I need. With Andrew, Rachel, and Ethan I feel complete.
Bottom line is whether we move home or not is irrelevant. I could live on the moon and know I could be perfectly happy as long as I have Rachel, Ethan, and Andrew by my side. Don't get me wrong I would love to be closer to family but I know that no matter what our final decision is, the deciding factor will be what would be the best decision for us....as a family.
As you can see I have included some recent photos of my inspirations!!
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