Thursday, November 17, 2005

Thank Goodness....

Andrew comes home tonight!! The kids and I are pretty excited, but mostly me. The weekend will consist of finishing our Christmas shopping for the kids and family back east. I'm hoping to ship them on Monday and be done with it.

Ethan is starting to print his name...or should I say print his name for food. It's sad when you have to bribe him to get him to do something. I think I will make that my new years resolution, no more bribery!! I plan on taking Ethan for a hair cut after school (he needs one desperately). His response was "I no want to look like John, he looks weird" for any of you who do not know John he is bald. I explained to Ethan the difference between a cut and shaving your head and I think were on the same page now.

Rachel had some testing done yesterday and when I asked how she did she said "all checks and one x". I'm glad she's finally seeing the results of doing your homework!!

Signing out for now...




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