Painting, parenting, working and time marches on...
Five minutes is all I ask for sometimes but it never seems to happen. Rachel, Ethan and I spent a nice evening playing with flash cards and reading books. The painter was there yesterday and he finished the first coat on the family room, living room, and kitchen. Although I am still not a 100% sold on the color, it is growing on me. Why is it that paint always looks better on the paint chip? So this morning Ethan came into my room when I was in the shower and I asked him if he peed the bed? This seems to be a problem that has developed over the past couple of weeks. His answer was yes but he put on new P.J's so it's o.k. AGHHHHH!!! I so lost my temper!! What is causing this?? So off I go to spend the next 20 minutes cleaning his bed, sheets, and P.J's. At this point I have already told him I am taking away his toys, gameboy, and we only have time for one breakfast this morning (he usually has 2). I'm surprised I didn't tell him he was going to boot camp for bed wetters. I feel bad, I know I over reacted, but I couldn't help it. I can't wait for Andrew to come home on Friday.
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