Wednesday, March 01, 2006

An email from Rachel's teacher...

Andrew and I are so proud of her!!

A note from Mrs. Paltzat...

"Rachel's behaviour has really improved at school. She seem's to be laughing more, interacting with others and enjoying the activities we are doing. With a few simple reminders, she has maintained her focus on our daily tasks. She has also made some good choices as to who she does not think she should sit by. : ) As for the word families, we have not been following any sort of list with them. I have encouraged them to practice all the words in everyday contexts. (Like reading one and then thinking of more words that belong to the family) Their agenda messages are now being thought of and written by them to encourage creativity and to get away from just 'copying off the board'. As for her reading, I will be assessing her this morning and I can give you a better idea of where she is at. Remember the focus is on improving and gaining confidence and strategies. I will touch base with you again after today and hopefully address any other concerns!"

Keep up the great work Rachel!