Monday, November 21, 2005

Thank goodness for Crappy Tire!

Well our tire adventure is now over. As you all know by now Andrew hit the curb yesterday and busted 2 tires in the process. I've told him for years that he hugs the curb and he is going to hit the curb (of course he has hit the curb before but just not this bad)!! $451.22 later have we learned our lesson? I sure as hell hope so. We are now proud owners of 2 overpriced Michelin Destiny tires. I try and look at the bright side, as Dad pointed out, at least there are no curbs between here and Fort McMurray!!

Rachel is feeling better and is at school today. She wanted to go so who am I to stand in her way. Ethan, so far, hasn't caught her "bug" and hopefully he won't. Time will tell. It is the season for illnesses, Sally is not well, Abbie was not well last week, Cathy's kids have been sick and so has Josh. The weird thing is none of these people have been in contact with each other so these are all separate outbreaks. Maybe the flu pandemic is closer than we think??

Anyway, I better get my work done now.




At 9:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor dude - He married into the Folkins family - HE WILL NEVER LIVE IT DOWN!!!
We have an awesome memory when convenient - inherited from Becky


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